
The Manager Portal

The Manager Portal is a web interface that you will use in order to manage your domains, SIP trunks, manage your account, and communicate with others.

Accessing the Manager Portal

In order to access the manager portal, open a web browser and enter your fully qualified domain provided by your administrator into your web browser as seen in figure 1.a.

After entering the domain into your browser, you will be taken to the login page as seen in figure 1.b.

Logging in

On the login page enter your credentials provided by your administrator or click the New User link.

If you click the New User link a new window appear asking for your Email address and Extension number (extension number is optional and not required to be entered).

Once you’ve entered our credentials you will be taken to the top level of the Manager Portal homepage as seen in

figure 1.c.

Homepage Layout

The Homepage consist of a link to the Attendant Console and your name that appears on a drop-down menu as seen in figure 1.d to the right.

The Attendant Console