
Getting Started

Welcome to your new unified communications account! Your account on this system will allow you to make calls, receive voicemails, chat with other users in the organization and much more. This document is designed to help teach you how to navigate to the Manager Portal, a web interface that allows you to access and control your account.

We will then break down the Manager Portal home page, the application navigation icons, the configuration options for them, and how they change the behavior of the application.

Finally, we will discuss how to use those applications in a real-world use case scenario, so you understand what the applications do, the configuration options that control the behavior of the application, and how to apply your knowledge to configure the application to meet your needs.

The Manager Portal

Accessing the Manager Portal

To manage your account, you will use the manager portal. A web interface that allows you to easily communicate with others and manage your account settings.

In order to access the manager portal, open a web browser and enter your fully qualified domain provided by your administrator into your web browser as seen in figure 2.1.1.a

Logging In

After entering the domain into your browser, you will be taken to the login page as seen in figure 2.1.2.a. On the login page, enter your credentials provided by your administrator or click the New User link. Then enter your email and extension number and your credentials will be emailed to you. After entering your credentials, you are taken to the homepage of your account as seen in figure 3.1.a.

Homepage Layout

In the top righthand corner of the Manager Portal you will see the links for the Attendant Console plus your name and extension number displayed. Clicking on your name and extension number will display the options to edit your Profile information and log out of the manager portal as seen in figure 3.1.a.

The Attendant Console